Tuesday, May 29, 2012

First 5K Casey's Cause

April 5, 2008. The first run! We registered for Casey's Cause and decided to run the 'downhills' and walk the rest! Johnny & I trained by walking around our neighborhood 2-3 times per week. We were excited about it! 

A little girl named Casey Grant was a patient at Childrens Hospital. She had Immune  Thrombocytopenia Purpura, a disorder in which the body destroys platelets and causes a bleeding disorder. Many cases are fatal. Casey's was. Her parents organized this run a year after her death. 

Chapman, Lindy and Alyssa were registered for the 1 mile fun run. Mason was registered for the 5K. I was nervous. I had no idea what to expect. I just hoped I could figure out where the finish line was!  If nothing else, I would enjoy watching my cute little grandchildren run!

We were pleased with our finish time! 50:52.  We had fun learning all about 5k's! We were impressed with our daughters Kristin, Brittney & son in law Scott. They were all such fast runners! And we had fun cheering our little grandkids to the finish line!  We even won a few door-prizes!  Fun times!

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