Thursday, August 28, 2014

Double digits! #marathontraining The B Team

We are in the double digits now! By that I mean no more short long runs! Our marathon is not until "next year" & I know "we still have plenty of time" but it's starting to get tough! Our 3 weekday runs are easy 3-5 miles but that Saturday long run is now packing a punch! 

It's still so hot & humid in our Sweet Home Alabama & our Crimson Tide Bama Boys kick off this weekend! Marathon training is now a trending topic for the Butler weekly calendar! We may have to split up for a few long runs! 

This is one of our long run game plans! The hubby will take to the streets in the wee hours while I get the food together for the weekly football party! He will come home and get a shower & get ready for the game! He will set the DVR on get all the electronics on the right channels! I'll finish up my miles & roll in just in time for a quick shower & the kick off! Lunch will be served at halftime! Desert of course will be Victory Pie !

Football season is perfect timing for our marathon training! We're the B team! We've got our game faces on! We've got our plan together. We're ready to tackle the double digits! We will work that #goal26.2 every week one mile at a time! We will stay focused and end up with a winning season! Bring on the miles. Bring on the football! #rolltideroll

Peace love & Grandmary

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