Sunday, December 21, 2014

Tis the Season to train for a Half Marathon!

Ho ho ho! Tis the Season to get serious about training! Our Half Marathon is only a few weeks away. 2015 will be here in 11 days! The hubby and I are hitting the about to panic button! When we registered for this event it seemed like it would never get here! And now it's almost time to start packing! Yikes! 

The Holiday hustle is in full bustle! The clock seems to be ticking two beats at a time! The alarm clock went off early Saturday morning. It was 37 degrees and it didn't take much persuasion to roll over and hit the snooze! After a brief bah humbug about the weather we decided to wait for a little bit of a warm up! By 10am it was 43 degrees. We grabbed jackets and headbands and added an extra layer to our running clothes and headed for the park. 

Lakeside Park is all aglow in lights and Decorations for the holiday season! It's fun to run there this time of year! There was a church party happening yesterday morning complete with a DJ and Christmas Music! No playlist necessary! We ran along and sang along for a few miles! 

We managed to get in a solid 7 miles. We had a run walk easy pace but it was cold! It was a good opportunity to chat and catch up. We have been stressed and busy lately and it was nice to have a little bit of time to sync our schedules! I guess you could say we made a few lists and checked them twice!  Overall it was a nice workout and a nice little time out from the holiday hectic-ness! I love the little moments and reminders that put it all in perspective! 

As we finish out the holiday season and 2014 time will hurry hurry hurry! Our half marathon training is winding down. We've got 2 more weekends and 2 more 10 mile runs. And as many 3-4 milers that we can squeeze in. January 10,2015 will be here in a wink of an eye!  See you at the Start Line!

xo peace love & Grandmary

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