Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Getting ready to be Thankful

Thanksgiving Dinner. A very long time ago, I moved Thanksgiving Dinner to the Sunday before Thanksgiving. I can't even remember when!  I'm a nurse and sometimes had to work on the 4th Thursday in November. Just another day in the hospital!

When our kids were little, school was out from Wednesday through Sunday, if I was off work for the long weekend, my husband Johnny would take the same days off work and we would take off to Disneyworld. It was a great time to travel. Disneyworld used to be kind of quiet back then!  They would have a few things already decorated for Christmas, not much, so it was a little bit of Christmas Magic too!

So it just made sense to change Thanksgiving Dinner to a different day! And it still happens. We have added in lots of extra people besides 'just us'! Of course, all the in-law kids and grandkids are here, along with a few neices & nephews & their families. A few of my husbands cousins come and my sisters and some of their kids & grandkids sometimes come.  Our max was over 40 people a few years ago when I added in a 60th birthday party & Retirement party to surprise Johnny!  This house was packed!

There is always food and plenty of it. Everybody brings something. I fix the usual Turkey & Dressing with all the trimmings; lots of veggies and the all time favorite Macaroni & Cheese.  I honestly think I could just cook two or three big glass dishes of Mac n cheese, add right out of the oven yeast rolls, a couple of pumpkin pies and ring the dinner bell!  

I really love this day! I love for my house to be full! I love that my kitchen is overflowing with food & fellowship! I love that for one day, when everyone and everything comes together, it has that 'one big happy family' kind of a feel to it!  And for that I am thankful.  xoxo Peace Love & Grandmary

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A 4 mile run puts it in perspective

I rested 2 days from running. Work & Life mushed on.  4 miles were on my Goofy training schedule today. I ran nearly 2 miles before I finally took that deep breath & settled into the run! I guess you could say I"m a little stressed! But the 4 miles helped!

My devotional bible verse for yesterday was Ephesians 4:31-32. Basically, don't be angry, mad, hold grudges, etc. Be ye kind to one another.  I'm really struggling with that. With certain people.  I'm struggling with being so angry with my son.  For throwing his life away. I'm trying to be kind and understanding, but really, that part is not happening.

So for now, I'm glad I have a brutal training schedule. I'm pounding out all my emotions all over the pavement.  I'm hoping by the end of my long 18-20 miles, I'll have it all together!  and my dear son will too.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Amazing how time just flys by....

Amazing that 6 months just flys by! Everyday, on my list of things to do, is check on that blog! And everyday, I think, you have really got to get better at this.  Yes, really. Since May, summer has happened, life has happened, marathon training has happened. And now it's Fall. School is happening, life is still happening, marathon training is really happening!

The grandchildren are all back at school. What a blessing it is to have grandchildren. Mason is 17, and a senior. Wow! Everytime I see him on that football field, all big & burly, I think, I'm gonna really miss him next year on Friday nights when he's off at college. yes. college. Surely, I'm not old enough to have a Senior in High School grandson about to go to college! Really, I'm not. My daughter had him very young!  He is a joy of a grandson. Such a gentlemen. Such a nice young man. The rest of the 6 grandkids are just wonderful kids! I love that they all live close.

I'll have to post all of our summer trips! We are so fortunate to spend lots of time with our grandkids. We have always taken them with us on trips, but this past summer, we kept the roads hot! The beach, St. Louis, Memphis, Disneyworld, Gatlinburg, we were world travelers! Next summer they are trying to talk PawPaw into DisneyLAND or the Disney Cruise or Hawaii. I'm OK with any of those!  We'll see how far they get with that! I suggested Myrtle Beach, SC or the New England Coast for a week, since none of them have ever seen any seen any kind of beach sand except the white sugary stuff along Alabama's or Florida's Gulf Coast!  So, travel plans are definitely ON, just no clue on the destination yet!

Life has been a biggie lately. Lots of stuff going on with our son. Heartbreaking stuff.  It's hard to see him struggling and not able to break the cycle of self destruction. It doesn't make any sense. And it doesn't seem to have an ending.  At this point, all we can do is struggle through the heartbreak and pray. So that's what we are doing. Somedays are more difficult than others.  But God is faithful.  And I know this is just part of it.  Eccleisiastes 3:1 says it all. To everything there is a season. A time for every purpose under the heavens.  I'm just waiting faithfully for the season to change.

Marathon training: one word. Brutal.  I'm training hard, but I'm behind. I say that, but I guess, in the big picture of life, I'm doing great. Simply because I am actively training. I've been sick a few times, emotionally shut down a few times, been in the ER, had a kidney stone, had to work, babysit grandkids, been gone...what else? But for the most part, every week, I have managed to get my miles in. There have been a few weeks the mile count was zero, but as of now, I'm on track, and working hard. My mileage count this week is at 23. Today was a back to back run. By that I mean, I did 6 miles yesterday, 13.1 today. I'm so sore right now, I can't hardly move, but by tomorrow I'll be fine and obsessed with running again! Thank God tomorrow is a rest day too!  That seems to make the obsession even stronger!

The Goofy Challenge is Jan 13, 2013. Here's how it goes. Saturday Half Marathon 13.1 miles, Sunday Marathon 26.2 miles. Yes....that really is Goofy to even consider such a challenge! But see....there are medals! A Donald for the Half, A NEW 20th Anniversary Mickey for the Marathon...did I mention it spins?! yes....spins! And a Goofy....for the Goofy Challenge! That's what I'm chasing! the bling, bling, bling!

Until next time...peace, love & Grandmary!