Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thankful for the end of November!

Grandkids just make everything wonderful!
Well Thanksgiving came & went. It was the usual full house, full of people & the kitchen counters were full of food! For this I am still very thankful! It always takes my breath a little for that one little moment when I realize that everybody I love is right there!  This year though we were missing a few. But maybe next year, we will all be together!

Lots of stuff going on up to end up November! Work, ballgames, busy, busy, busy! We had two of our grandaughters stay with us. They were already out of school for the Thanksgiving Holiday and a great chance to hang out Grandmary & PawPaw for the rest of the week!

Roll Tide Mickey!
Basically everyone in Alabama just holds their breath for the last week of November waiting for the Iron Bowl...the match up between rivalry schools Auburn University &  the University of Alabama!  It was a shut out, stomp down this year Alabama 49-Auburn-0. Roll Tide! The following weekend, Alabama went on to beat Georgia  32-28 in a heart stopping 60 minute Dawg fight! Probably the best SEC Championship Game in the history of football!  Again, Roll Tide! SEC Champions!  Next stop is Miami, January 7, 2013 for the National Championship Game! They take on Notre Dame for the title! Sorry Irish, but you are going down!

Back to Novemeber.....we watched Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV & decided to take off to Nashville, TN for a quick impulsive day trip! We left first thing Friday morning, with one granddaughter with us! Our day started with lunch at the Wild Horse Saloon & ended with the Radio City Spectacular! The Rockettes!  It was fabulous!

Lunch in Nashville with Emilee
At the Grand Ole Opry House. We bought the Souvenier Christmas Ornament! Love the Rockettes!
I ended my weekend with running! Still training for the Goofy Challenge. I'll have to do an update post about that. 9 miles on Sunday, 18 on Monday!

Back to work for a few days, then two birthdays to celebrate! Who ever thought I would have a 40 year old daughter? Wow! that's about all I can say about that! Wow!  November 30, we celebrated my husbands 63rd birthday!
Happy Birthday you two!

So November is over and I'm happy to say I'm thankful. I'm also very sad about a few things, but in the big picture of my world, I'm just gonna be thankful that I'm as blessed as I am! Things always have a way of working out just like they are supposed to! Sadness and all I'm thankful to be moving right on into December!  xoxo Peace, Love & Grandmary

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